Reporting of research data from the Dartmouth Atlas Project takes several forms. We have produced twenty book-length editions of The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care; several brief reports covering specific topics and/or clinical subject areas; and a number of issue briefs on relevant health policy topics. Atlas investigators also have an extensive bibliography of scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

Atlases and Reports
Includes book-length editions of The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care as well as topic and issue briefs

Research Articles
View scientific articles by Atlas investigators published in peer-reviewed journals
Recently Released:
- The Dartmouth Atlas of Neonatal Intensive Care. This Dartmouth Atlas report provides a comprehensive description of population-based patterns of newborn care across regions and hospitals for four large U.S. newborn populations: the U.S. total birth cohort, the Medicaid-insured newborns of Texas, and the commercial and Medicaid newborns insured by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield plans. From this study population, medical care utilization of both mildly and very ill newborns is measured across all hospitals, regardless of whether care was provided in a neonatal intensive care unit. Similar analyses are also included from a groundbreaking study of Norwegian newborns, who share a high degree of socioeconomic and racial/ethnic similarity and receive care in a tightly organized national health service that offers services equitably to all.